The Psychology Clinic focuses on behavioural problems and mental health issues being faced by the patient.

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Home Outpatient Clinic Psychology
The Psychology Clinic focuses on behavioural problems and mental health issues being faced by the patient.
The Psychology Clinic functions in two main areas, namely Assessment, and Counseling and Psychotherapy.
ASSESSMENT or measurement of psychological competence, such as through individual and group psychological tests for purposes including tracing of interests and talents, intelligence, and other psychological tests according to patient requirements.
Services performed:
COUNSELING and PSYCHOTHERAPY offers various forms of Clinical Intervention, to help the patient, in terms of thought patterns (cognitive), feelings (affective), and behavior (behavioural) in order to achieve psychological well-being for clients.
Services performed:
Our Psychology Clinic facilities:
Jl. Dr. Cipto Mangunkusumo, No. 1, Sekupang, Batam