Operational Hours
Monday – Saturday 07.30 – 17.00 WIB


Jl. Dr. Cipto Mangunkusumo, No. 1, Sekupang, Batam


0778-324391 (IGD)
0778-327629 (iSTEMI)

Occupational Health and Safety

Occupational Health and Safety are activities aimed at protecting the safety and health of hospital staff, patients, patient visitors, other visitors, and the hospital environment, through efforts to prevent accidents or the spreading of infection within the hospital grounds.

This is achieved through the creation and following of health and safety guidelines involving management, employees, conditions, and integrated work environments, to prevent and reduce accidents and infections that can occur within the work environment.

BP Batam Hospital Services

RSBP Batam provides a number of health and non-medical services
for the community as follows.

Consists of Cardio Cerebro Vascular, Trauma Center, and Onkologi.

Consists of CathLab, Haemodialysis, Chemotherapist, and Operating Room.

Consists of Nutrition Installation, Mortuary Installation, and Environmental Health.